
Love dream big resolution

You love always occurs in a dream it? Want to know what this indicates? Here's the Secret to eleven it!
1, "love at first sight, that you want to feel loved
Dream of you and a stranger to the opposite sex at first sight, fell in love the river, shows the meaning of this dream that is representative of the mood you want to be loved, but also suggesting that you do not find someone close to intimate you going, this time, you have to sharp eyes around ears.
2, the dream of "date, suggests that you love will change now
If you dream of the opposite sex and dating. This implies that you love will make a difference.
If the dream at the beach or the mountains and other outdoor dating, then, that your love for each other gradually increased. If the dream of watching a movie or go to the cinema, then, that you will have long-term results of unrequited love. If the dream of dating in the playground or park, then, that there will be close to people like you.
3, "a love letter on your behalf cheap bridesmaid dresses have a strong jealousy
Sometimes the opposite sex in a dream to write a love letter to you, this you do not hypocrisy, what to say, we give you the forecast is that you have a strong emotional jealousy, on the contrary, then dream of someone writing a love letter to you, this dream is Some people suggest you have on your love life advice or are jealous.
4, a dream "confession is a rival of the mean
Dream of their own in the confession, then, is to imply that you will have a strong rival appeared. And when you want to end in real life confused the situation, in a dream will be appear in the form of confession.
5, "without losing the love of romance

Romance is the opposite of the dream the dream, is to imply that you are the real love of progress. Even in the dream was very sad, you do not need to feel uneasy; this is that you will develop and present lovers very quickly.
6, kiss that you have to understand their hopes
That you want to kiss each other to better understand their feelings. Therefore, cheap evening dresses if the dream and same-sex kissing, do not be surprised.
7, a sexual relationship represents the dream you will have a new lucky
If you dream, represents sex and opposite sex towards you expect new things, flew away to an unknown future aspirations. However, if the impression is not good sex dream, then, on behalf of you seem to fear the new environment; if the feeling of happiness, then, that the new environment will bring you luck. And the lovers dream of love, is to imply impending lucky thing.
8, "love triangle that you are dissatisfied with family or friends
You dream you dream in love triangle net, which indicates that you are now satisfied with family or friends. But you did not show resistance to awareness, on the contrary you want to skillfully cope. In such cases, you should take the initiative and their families and friends into their confidence, the idea of ??the dissatisfaction clearly say it, in order to achieve consensus, resolve differences during.
9, a dream, "implied an affair is quarrel
Dreamed of cocktail dresses having an affair suggests the phenomenon is an argument you and lover. If early and good, between the two seems to make a big gap. But if the dream lover affair, then, represents a small quarrel can be immediately resolved, and they will be better than ever.
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Honeymoon hot springs in winter you need to pay attention to

A lot of choices in the winter honeymoon newlyweds who like to find a place bubbling hot. Hot springs is good, of course, there are disadvantages, but what is remarkable is not bad, but there are a few things to pay attention to it.
1, when hungry, can not immediately dip hot springs, hot springs is easy because there will be an empty stomach, dizziness, vomiting and fatigue of the situation you want.
2, if the car sat for a long time or Zoulehenyuan the road, very tired, could not immediately spring to dip, otherwise more bubbles will be more tired.
3, lack of sleep or stay up all night, if a sudden high temperature hot dip may shock or ischemic brain case.
4, and I feel very excited or very angry, tachycardia, when, not suitable for hot dip.
5, just enough to eat or drinking wine, not immediately spring to dip, or have indigestion and stroke situation.
6, malnutrition, or just sick, poor physical condition, do not go to dip hot.
7, heart disease, hypertension and arteriosclerosis of the people, to dip spring before the first body and slowly rub with hot springs, hot springs and then, not all of a sudden went cheap bridesmaid dresses to hot springs, it will not affect the contraction of blood vessels .
8, have cancer, leukemia who is not suitable for hot dip, because it is easy to stimulate the metabolism, the body quickly becomes debilitating.
9, if there has been acute cold, acute illness and communicable diseases, it is best not to dip hot.
10, when the girls to the physiological stage or around the beginning of pregnancy and not period, not being the best hot spring dip.
11, hot dip time, use the hot temperature of view, too hot, not soak for too long.
12, if the dip hot, I felt physically uncomfortable, you should leave, can not continue to dip in hot springs.
From the above considerations let us know you want to dip hot dip can not dip the. I read the TV news reported that someone as hot-dip and die. At that time felt it was impossible, but now believe it is possible.
So hot dip before, to look at to determine their physical condition, avoid getting too much. In addition, although the health spa dip, but infectious diseases, the body of excessive weakness and acute illness; such as acute pneumonia, bronchitis, tonsillitis, otitis media or acute cold fever patients; the early and late pregnancy, menstruation or women who wound, should not dip hot, dip if you must, the state should pay special attention to the body, so as not to cause physical discomfort, and like high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, vascular lesions should also be made to comply with the instructions of doctors or friends to accompany to bathing, cancer, special occasion dresses leukemia patients, due to stimulate metabolism, causes the body to speed up the weak, should not be soaked, malnutrition or illness when the body is extremely weak, not to dip temporarily spa.
Eight hot springs soaking, "should not be
Winter tourist season, many people will choose to hot springs, but you know, hot springs, there are many considerations.
1, do not soak too hastily, that do not start from the pool water temperature is too hot; from the more moderate water temperature began to soak.
2, do not soak too hot for too long, that is not the body of water in the hot soaking time in more than 10 minutes each; to be in time for the body or on the chest above the surface water away from the rest.
3, do not soak too deep, that is not the water level in the chest every time over more than 10 minutes soaking time; to the water in time with the more moderate turn out of the water soak or body time to rest after the immersion.
4, spring temperatures are high, there will be soaked sweating, dry mouth, chest discomfort, excessive blood circulation is a normal reaction. Sheung Shui cold water immersion or exchange at this time resting a little, and drink plenty of water can be soothing.
5, people with heart disease, high blood pressure should be about soaking together with, if not suited to immediately Sheung Shui to convalesce.
6, hunger can not be soaked, prone to cause fatigue due to fasting, or a little nap after a meal break to be re-soaked.
7, drink and have to raise interest rates to soak sleeping, or bathing to stimulate the blood, resulting in physical exhaustion, fear of accidents.
8, trek fatigue, can not suddenly spring into the required rest, physical recovery after the line to be soaked.
Winter: Notes crush hot springs
Cold of winter to spring, "soak the leisure of many people nowadays, Paowan then steam saunas, comfortable and at ease. In fact, this practice is not scientific, according to the relevant information, Paowan spring, the water, minerals and ions just absorbed by the body, if immediately sauna, useful material is easy with sweat, collapse may occur in such a dangerous situation. hot springs should pay attention to the problem?
Bubble before - choose the temperature, see acid-base. Hot springs before, ask the service hot spring waters, pH is the amount of acidity or alkalinity is too high cheap cocktail dresses plus the best hot springs water dilution.
Insomnia, neurasthenia, hypertension, heart disease, stroke sequelae should choose 37 ? -38 ? tepid hot springs; while rheumatism, gastrointestinal problems, neuralgia and other people should choose 43 ? -45 ? high temperature of spa; skin wound or fungal infection Problem, it is best not to hot springs. Soak before cleaning the body, without hard scrubbing, so sebum film was rubbed out, so that spring to stimulate the skin.
When the bubble - does not time out, apply mask. Hot springs once the time is generally about 20 minutes, preferably not more than 30 minutes. Curl in the hot springs pool, face the pores will have a lot of free radicals, which damage the skin, before putting the mask when the best bubble, or wiping with a cold face towel.


Tangled love to love away from me

"I do not love to hear her boyfriend, I feel a little uneasy. Ms. Ding was a white-collar people, has about six boyfriend was all gone, and the reason for the split are the same: she always kept the other can not stand asked: "Do you love me in the end? Ms. Ding said she was concerned that this continues, his spirit will collapse.
I am 26 years old, the family is doing business. In the eyes of others, I was kind of rich family lady. For this evaluation, I do not think there is anything wrong, after all this is true.
Parents specialize in the export business, mostly small to worry about my food and clothing, and all the best. But from my 4 years old, the parents have to travel often, grandpa took me to the home, also invited three nanny to take care of my life. Even so, I think had a very happy childhood, because my grandfather pain.
Grandpa is a soldier, a tall burly. I was a kid naughty, especially not a good sleep. Every evening, Grandpa would cajole me to sleep, his mouth constantly talking about: "They're fast cheap bridesmaid dresses to sleep, grandpa love you. Strange to say, this sentence is just like magic, I always am fast asleep.
I thought, what this life can not be stumped me. Successfully admitted to focus on secondary schools, and admitted to the university after graduation returned to Jinan to find a very good job. Under the protection of his family, I have been very happy.
Only one thing, let me in trouble --- I have not found a boyfriend.
The first college boyfriend is my classmate. We are both in school with the student union, has been a lot of contacts. Moreover, he also has, like my grandfather did burly figure, nearly nine meters tall and look very sunny.
For him, I have nothing critical. After work, he often engaged in a variety of entertainment, the two of us together more and more time is short. "He will one day do not me? This could not help but let my heart be afraid.
"You love me in the end? A dinner, I asked him." Of course, I will love you one. He touched my head, smiled and said. I am very happy that he said would make me feel very warm heart. From then on, every day we meet, I would ask him the same question. When he answered carefully looked kind of awkward, and my heart indescribably happy.
But not long after, we both got into a fight. "Do not ask the same question every day, good or bad? My answer is very clear, what you want? He special occasion dresses said snappily I have a fire:" You This is the answer my attitude? Who knows your mind is how to think?
A week later, he sent me a text message: "Together tired, we break up, he would go this way, and then did not give me any opportunity to refute and explain.
The shadow of romance in mind, so I am suffering, from small to large have not received such a grievance. "Nier, do it personally, grandpa think you are the best. Listening to grandpa's comfort, I could not help but cry.
"I am looking for a boyfriend, be sure to like the grandfather I did hurt, I've set goals, but I found myself completely changed the mentality of love, always worried about being deceived. This anxiety can only make me again and again asked: "Are you really love me? those boys and my contacts, but also because I am too" long-winded, no longer contact me.
In these two years, I've been with boyfriend 6. I could not help myself, growing distrust of men. Go on like this, I will not become the unwanted "old witch? How can I do?
To overcome the "psychological entrusted to find happiness
Newspaper invited counselors, counseling centers, Shandong Tongji Huai Fang said one expert, Ms. Ding's performance is typical of this entrusted psychology. Entrusted to the so-called psychological means to take care of their responsibilities to other people, to give up their lives to grasp the initiative. DING must first overcome this mentality, to find happiness. cocktail dresses
Single Huai Fang said, entrusted mind from growing up in the lack of self-worth, people who hold this attitude will work in all aspects of life and encountered many problems. DING small living along grandfather, the elders of the love and care for her enough to live comfortably. The event of their choice when to do, you may know what to do. DING process is in love this performance, she taken the trouble to ask each other if their love, that she does not know how to face future life.
Single Huai Fang suggested that DING can develop some more hobbies, even if it is to look at Korean study beauty, in short, to make their energy transferred from the control freak inside. With the hobby after natural can create topics, make friends, slowly in love with an independent life outside. In addition, you can learn about emotional self-management, try the first time without the help of family, what will happen. Have their own space and ability, they will not rely on each other, in order to be happy.

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Traditional Chinese style of the bride

Married wearing a dress coat, has retained the Cantonese tradition. Spread so far, many of these traditional rules have been relaxed to simplify red dress and gown for the bride to wear big, if you wear a dress coat elders, would choose the more bridesmaid dresses mature maroon, purple. ? someone who has experience: coat the bottom of the skirt to look at whether the line step is clear, whether a three-dimensional embroidery; to distinguish between old and new, should look at the cuff, to see whether there are dropped.

Married wearing a dress coat, has retained the Cantonese tradition. The wedding day, dress coat can be worn on many occasions, including the go, back to the door, and with the elders pour banquet camera. Prepare the occasion of the wedding of the new people to engage in, dress coat budget must not be less.

There are particular about wearing a gown 1

Dragon gown skirt is from the Manchu dress, the embroidery to the Northeast early most authentic good, but because many Cantonese gown to wear skirts married, seen as decent, so the craft has passed the South has to hand Chaoshan the most famous.

Old-time southern Guangdong, different generational wear dress coat discount bridesmaid dresses will be different: the bride will usually wear a big red dress coat, most will wear "coat Wong; elders (mother of the bride, the groom's mother) will wear black red black skirt or "Big Five; relatives (also an elder, for example: aunt, aunt, sister, daughter-pro, etc.) will be wearing red or black," in Wu-fu, or "Little Five. Other relatives and friends, wearing traditional clothing may be, short cocktail dresses does not require a dress coat.

Spread so far, many of these traditional rules have been relaxed to simplify red dress and gown for the bride to wear big, if you wear a dress coat elders, would choose the more mature maroon, purple. Dress coat each grade in accordance with economic conditions to select.

Shanghai Wedding Features

First, both sides do, in Shanghai, mainly to the bridesmaid dresses woman, the man, accompanied by their parents and some relatives to Shanghai, the man from the colleagues, classmates, friends, guests formed man. In case of no room, can be placed in hotel rooms within a marriage, part of the ceremony on the hotel, simple operation. In the field, then the opposite. (More choices)

If the man insisted Zhuhun field in the man, when close from Shanghai, the Shanghai office in early may noon noon banquet, the man arrived at home to do the main feast, but in this case, new and more tired woman, easy when late special occasion dresses .

Another person, the first day of office in Shanghai, the next day back to the man to do.

Second, the single run, the future for both men and women are working in Shanghai, life, only to do in Shanghai, the man most loved ones arrived in Shanghai. Timing back after another man at the meeting cheap homecoming dresses distant relatives and friends. (Advantage is to take care of the woman, could Bo favor, and new people are not tired; disadvantage is larger for male relatives to spend hotel accommodation, easy to get the man against the family)

Marriage and the rest of the ordinary people of Shanghai goes different, money out, then everything hing, people happy.